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Let's discover RiP-Scripts in less than 5 minutes.


Get started by downloading the script. Once purchased, the Script should show up in your Keymaster Asset Manager.

What you'll need

Upload your Script

First of all upload and unzip your script to the ressources folder.


If you do not know how to do this, please check out other tutorials, which you can find in the internet.

Your script is now uploaded to your FiveM Server, but not started. To start it type

ensure RiP-Script

into your Server's console.


Make sure to replace RiP-Script with the correct script name, which can be found in the

However, the script will most likely show an Error, since we have not added an SQL-Table for it.

Add SQL Entries

Open up your servers phpMyAdmin dashboard / login to your SQL terminal.

Copy the SQL-Commands which are appended to the file and execute them. They should look something like this:

CREATE TABLE `rip_trucker` (
`identifier` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`level` int(10) NOT NULL,
`contracts` int(10) NOT NULL,
`remaining` int(10) NOT NULL,

If everything worked fine, it will notify you that tables were added / rows were changed.

Now restart your server to get the changes affected.

Start the script

Lets run ensure RiP-Script again in your server console. The Script will now start and begin working.

Congratulations, your RiP-Script is now up and running. Go give it a try and log onto your server. However, we can still

Configure the Script

Configure the UI

Open html/index.html. If you are unfamiliar with CSS and HTML, you might be overwhelmed. However, Programms like VSCode will help you get a hold quickly. You can change the color-scheme by editing the CSS Values, which shoul look something like this:

:root {
--main: #755eaa; -- This is the primary Color
--font: #fff; -- This is the texr Color
--shine: #755eaa90;
--hover: #755eaa; -- This is the Color when hovering with the cursor

--gradient: #0e0c14, #2d2542; -- This is the gradient of the Background

By either replacing the HEX-Color Values or when using VSCode using the color selector which pops up when clicking on to the color preview, you can set a new Color.

Dont forget to restart the script with ensure RiP-Script.

Configure the Config

There are many different things you can modify in the configuration file. behind most fields is a short comment, saying wich datatype to input, and which effect you can expect. Here is an example:

RiP = {}

RiP.EsxExport = true -- [BOOLEAN] Set to true if you are using ESX 1.8.5 or above.

RiP.Location = vector3(150.007, 70.696969, 9334.23232) -- [Parameterized Float]

RiP.Blip = {
Name = 'RiP-Script', -- [STRING] Blip displayname
Sprite = 477, -- [INT] Blip icon
Scale = 0.9, -- [DOUBLE] Blip size
Display = 4, -- [INT] Display type
Color = 13 -- [INT] Blip color

RiP.Marker = {
Type = 22, -- [INT] Marker visual
Size = {X = 1.0, Y = 1.0, Z = 0.9}, -- [DOUBLE] Marker scaling
Color = {R = 117, G = 94, B = 170} -- [RGB Color] Marker color

What can I edit?

You can modify each of these values but not delete them.


AddEventHandler('RiP-Script:Notify', function(Type, Time, Text)

RiP.HelpNotify = true

Each of our scripts has a notify event so you can use your own notify with our scripts.
To setup your own notify just change the YOUR NOTIFY HERE to your own notify trigger. The trigger has to include the values given in the AddEventHandler function.
RiP.HelpNotify is for RiP-Notify. If enabled you get the RiP HelpNotify instead of the default ESX.

Don't edit or change the wrong parameters!

If you edit the event name after RegisterNetEvent or AddEventHandler the notify won't work. Also changing the variables in the function (line 2) can result errors.

Enjoy your Script

Congratulations, you have now successfully setup a RiP-Script. The only thing you have to do now, is lay back and enjoy your servers new Features.

You had problems following along?

No Problem. We understand that some things can be quite irritating. In the internet, you can find more Guides, deatiling Setup Options and UI's in more detail.