RiP-Cardealer is not only a multifunctional car dealership. It also gives you the opportunity to purchase and run your own dealership.
Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.
RiP.Activity = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable automatic business reset after inactivity
Notify = 6, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after owner will be reminded
Remove = 9, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after business will be removed
Configurate purchase contracts for selling vehicle from player to player.
RiP.Contracts = {
Label = "Kaufvertrag", -- [STRING] purchase contract label
Price = 999 -- [INTEGER] price for dealership owners
RiP.TestDrive = {
Mode = 2, -- [INTEGER] test mode (0=disabled; 1=real-worl⦥ 2=dimension&coords)
Time = 120, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds for test drives (set to 0 to disable)
Location = vector3(-1734.8, -2916.1, 13.9) -- [INTEGER/VECTOR] mode 1 = range for test drivers; mode 2 = coords for vehicle spawn
With this option you can create more dealerships on different locations. Just copy the code below and paste it under the last dealership in your config.
[1] = { -- [INTEGER] unique id for each cardealer
Locations = { -- [VECTOR] coords for each point (x,y,z)
Main = vector3(-57.354888916016,-1097.2227783203,26.422330856323),
Spawn = vector4(-9.9941101074219,-1082.7747802734,26.672073364258,127.60319519043),
Boss = vector3(-34.19499206543,-1106.384765625,26.422355651855)
RetailPrice = 200000, -- [INTEGER] cardealer retail price
Blip = { --
Name = 'RiP-Cardealer', -- [STRING] blip name
Type = 100, -- [INTEGER] blip type
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color
Ped = { --
Coords = vector4(-56.52, -1098.58, 26.42, 33.93), -- [VECTOR] ped coords or false to disable (x,y,z,h)
Hash = 0x7E6A64B7 -- [HASH] ped hash
Default categories for not sold dealerships. To add more just copy-paste the code below under the last category (element).
Name = 'sports', -- [STRING] unique category name
Label = 'Sports' -- [STRING] category label
Default vehicles for not sold dealerships. To add more just copy-paste the code below under the last vehicle (element).
Car = 'baller6', -- [STRING] vehicle spawn and image (png) name
Category = 'off-road', -- [STRING] vehicle category (RiP.DefaultCategories)
Label = 'Baller', -- [STRING] vehicle label
Price = 25000 -- [INTEGER] vehicle price
All cardealers vehicles, dealership owners can add to their store, have to be added here. The vehicles from RiP.DefaultCars
must also be listet.
Car = 'comet2', -- [STRING] unique vehicle (spawn) name
Type = 'car', -- [STRING] vehicle type (for database)
Image = 'comet2.png', -- [STRING] vehicle image name (@RiP-Cardealer/html/img)
Price = 25000 -- [INTEGER] vehicle purchasing price
All selectable colors for vehicle configuration.
Id = 134, -- [INTEGER] color id (
Hex = '#755eaa', -- [STRING] color hex code with #
Price = 0 -- [INTEGER] additional price
RiP.CustomPlate = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable custom plate text
TextPrice = 20000, -- [INTEGER] price for custom plate text (only if enabled)
ColorPrice = 1000, -- [INTEGER] price for different plate color
Validator = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable input validation ('LLL NNN' -> 'RIP 999')