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RiP-Shops is full of options through a well thought-out business system and the associated boss menu.


Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


RiP.Activity = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable automatic business reset after inactivity
Notify = 6, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after owner will be reminded
Remove = 9, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after business will be removed


With RiP.Shops you can add unlimitet buyable shops. Copy the code below and paste it under the last shop in your config.

[1] = {                                 -- [INTEGER] unique shop id
Locations = { -- [VECTOR] locations (x,y,z)
Main = vector3(25.795906066895,-1346.9826660156,29.497020721436),
Boss = vector3(29.476999282837,-1339.5927734375,29.497020721436)

RetailPrice = 200000, -- [INTEGER] retail price

Blip = { --
Name = 'RiP-Shops', -- [STRING] blip name
Type = 59, -- [INTEGER] blip sprite
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color

Ped = {
Coords = vector4(24.43, -1347.0, 29.5, 268.9), -- [VECTOR] ped coords or false to disable (x,y,z,h)
Hash = 0x18CE57D0 -- [HASH] ped hash


RiP.Default = {                             
Categories = { -- default shop categories (to add more copy-paste one element)
Name = 'essen', -- [STRING] unique category name
Lable = 'Essen', -- [STRING] category label
Icon = 'fa-burger-cheese', -- [STRING] category icon (
Name = 'trinken',
Lable = 'Trinken',
Icon = 'fa-cup-straw-swoosh',
Items = { -- default shop items (to add more copy-paste one element)
Name = 'bread', -- [STRING] unique item name
Lable = 'Brot', -- [STRING] item label

Price = 15, -- [INTEGER] item price
Category = 'essen', -- [STRING] item category
Name = 'water',
Lable = 'Wasser',

Price = 10,
Category = 'trinken',


With this option you can add all items a shop owner can sell in his shop. Also the RiP.Default.Items have to be registered here.
To add a new item copy the code below and paste it under the last item in your config.

['bread'] = {                           -- [STRING] unique item name
Price = 10, -- [INTEGER] purchase price for shop owners