With different wash modes that clean the car to varying degrees and purchasable car washes, RiP-CarwashV2 has it all.
Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.
The default costs for carwash owners.
RiP.DefaultCosts = { -- [INTEGER] fixed costs (lite x1; compact x2; premium x3)
Electricity = 20,
Detergent = 30
RiP.Animation = { --
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable washing animation/particles
Dictionary = 'scr_carwash', -- [STRING] dictionary with the particle
Name = 'ent_amb_car_wash', -- [STRING] name of the particle in the dictionary
Size = 2.2 -- [DECIMAL] particle size
RiP.Activity = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable automatic business reset after inactivity
Notify = 6, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after owner will be reminded
Remove = 9, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after business will be removed
RiP.WashTime = 9 -- [INTEGER] washing time in seconds
With this option you can create more carwashes on different locations. Just copy the code below and paste it under the last carwash in your config.
Id = 1, -- [INTEGER] unique carwash id
Locations = { -- [VECTOR] carwash locations (x,y,z)
Main = vector3(25.130687713623,-1391.9060058594,29.334344863892),
Boss = vector3(-2.0203511714935,-1400.3487548828,29.27282333374)
RetailPrice = 20000, -- [INTEGER] carwash price
DefaultPrice = { -- [INTEGER] prices if not sold
Lite = 160,
Compact = 240,
Premium = 320