RiP-Robbery makes your stores robable. With adaptive earnings and an included police alert, it encourages interactive roleplay.
Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.
RiP.MaxRobberies = 1 -- [INTEGER] maximum global amount of robberies at the same time
RiP.NeedWeapon = true -- [BOOLEAN] if enabled player needs a weapon to start robbery
If you want to add more robberies copy the code below and paste it under the last robbery in your config.
Name = "Unicorn-Raub", -- [STRING] robbery name
Location = vector3(128.32475280762,-1285.505859375,29.279951095581), -- [VECTOR] robbery coords (x,y,z)
Reward = {300, 600}, -- [INTEGER] robbery reward (min,max)
Type = 'black_money', -- [STRING] reward type (money/bank/black_money/item)
Item = '', -- [STRING] only if Type = item
Time = 90, -- [INTEGER] robbery time in seconds
Cooldown = 500, -- [INTEGER] robbery cooldown in seconds
Cops = {
MinimalCops = 1, -- [INTEGER] required online cops
Jobs = {
Minigame = {
Active = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable minigame (RiP-Minigames required)
Type = 'random', -- [STRING] minigame name
Time = 30, -- [INTEGER] minigame time
Attempts = 3 -- [INTEGER] minigame attempts
RiP.CopNotify = true -- [BOOLEAN] notify cops when robbery started
With this client function you can add your own dispatch trigger. Paste the trigger below the position
-variable and adjust the parameters in your trigger.
function sendDispatch(coords)
local position = { x = coords.x, y = coords.y, z = coords.z }
-- insert your trigger/export here