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RiP-Weaponshop is full of options through a well thought-out business system and the associated boss menu.


Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


If this option is active the script checks automaticly when accessing the weaponshop if the player has a license. If not the player has the option to purchase a license in the script.

RiP.License = {
Needed = true, -- [BOOLEAN] need weapon license to access (esx_license required)
Price = 20000 -- [INTEGER] license price


RiP.Activity = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable automatic business reset after inactivity
Notify = 6, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after owner will be reminded
Remove = 9, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after business will be removed


Activate weight check for items.

RiP.Weight = true                           -- [BOOLEAN] check inventory limit


With RiP.Shops you can add unlimitet buyable shops. Copy the code below and paste it under the last shop in your config.

[1] = {                                     -- [INTEGER] unique id
Locations = { -- [VECTOR] coords (x,y,z)
Main = vector3(21.931594848633,-1106.7674560547,29.797006607056),
Boss = vector3(14.013894081116,-1106.3436279297,29.797006607056)

RetailPrice = 160000, -- [INTEGER] retail price

Blip = { --
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable blip
Name = 'RiP-Weaponshop', -- [STRING] blip name
Type = 59, -- [INTEGER] blip sprite
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color

Ped = {
Coords = vector4(22.4, -1105.5, 29.8, 150.3), -- [VECTOR] ped coords or false to disable (x,y,z,h)
Hash = 0x36EA5B09 -- [HASH] ped hash


RiP.Default = { 
Ammo = 99, -- [INTEGER] default weapon ammo when purchasing weapon
Categories = { -- default shop categories (to add more copy-paste one element)
Name = 'stitch', -- [STRING] unique category name
Lable = 'Nahkampf', -- [STRING] category lable
Icon = 'fa-knife-kitchen', -- [STRING] category icon (
Name = 'weapon',
Lable = 'Waffen',
Icon = 'fa-gun',
Items = { -- default shop weapons/items (to add more copy-paste one element)
Type = 'weapon', -- [STRING] type (weapon/item)
Name = 'weapon_knife', -- [STRING] unique weapon/item name
Lable = 'Messer', -- [STRING] weapon/item label

Price = 300, -- [INTEGER] weapon/item price
Category = 'stitch', -- [STRING] weapon/item category
Type = 'weapon',
Name = 'weapon_pistol',
Lable = 'Pistole',

Price = 1200,
Category = 'weapon',


With this option you can add all weapons/items a shop owner can sell in his shop. Also the RiP.Default.Items have to be registered here.
To add a new weapon/item copy the code below and paste it under the last weapon/item in your config.

['weapon_knife'] = {                        -- [STRING] unique weapon/item name
Type = 'weapon', -- [STRING] type (weapon/item)
Price = 300, -- [INTEGER] purchase price for shop owners
['weapon_pistol'] = {
Type = 'weapon',
Price = 1200,