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RiP-Farming is a multi-functional and interactive farming script.


Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


Maximum amount of items a player can carry before having to sell them.

RiP.MaxItems = 50           


RiP.Activity = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable automatic business reset after inactivity
Notify = 6, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after owner will be reminded
Remove = 9, -- [INTEGER] (inactive) days after business will be removed


With this option you can create more farms and fields. Just copy the code below and paste it under the last farm in your config.

Blip = {
Location = vector3(2415.5729980469,4993.0439453125,46.214714050293), -- [VECTOR] blip coords (x,y,z)
Name = "Farm 1", -- [STRING] blip label
Type = 479, -- [INTEGER] blip type
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Color = 13, -- [INTEGER] blip color
Display = 3 -- [INTEGER] blip display type

Fields = { -- all farm fields (copy-paste one element to create more)
Name = "Weizen", -- [STRING] field label
Id = 1, -- [INTEGER] unique field id with a maximum of 9 chars

Coords = { -- [VECTOR]
TopLeft = vector2(2457.2, 4842.9), -- [x,y] left-top corner of the field
TopRight = vector2(2495.6, 4883.8), -- [x,y] right-top corner of the field
BottomRight = vector2(2521.9, 4859.2) -- [x,y] right-bottom corner of the field

Price = 90000, -- [INTEGER] field price

Item = {
Type = "weizen", -- [STRING] farming item type (RiP.FarmTypes)
Price = 9, -- [INTEGER] price per item for farmers
Changable = true -- [BOOLEAN] owner can change the price

Blip = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable custom field blip
Name = "Weizen-Feld", -- [STRING] field blip label
Type = 237, -- [INTEGER] field blip type
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] field blip size
Display = 9 -- [INTEGER] field blip display type

Marker = {
Location = vector3(2520.9338378906,4864.564453125,38.870235443115), -- [VECTOR] location for marker & entering the farm-menu (x,y,z)
Type = 22, -- [INTEGER] marker type
Size = {X = 1.0, Y = 1.0, Z = 0.9}, -- [DECIMAL] marker scaling
Color = {R = 117, G = 94, B = 170} -- [INTEGER] marker color (rgb)

Ped = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable npc on menu-entering
Location = vector4(2520.3405761719,4864.0834960938,38.704223632813,312.55993652344), -- [VECTOR] npc position (x,y,z,h)
Hash = 0x94562DD7 -- [HASH] npx hash


Different field types (items) to farm. Just copy-paste the code below to add more types.

['weizen'] = {                                              -- [INTEGER] unique (virtual) item name
Default = 15, -- [INTEGER] default resell price
Min = 10, -- [INTEGER] minimum resell price
Max = 20 -- [INTEGER] maximum resell price


Unlimited field levels to upgrade storage.

RiP.FarmLevel = {
[0] = { -- [INTEGER] default level (has to be 0)
Price = 0, -- [INTEGER] level price (has to be 0)
MaxItems = 250 -- [INTEGER] default amount of items
[1] = { -- [INTEGER] unique level number (1,2,...)
Price = 5000, -- [INTEGER] level price
MaxItems = 500 -- [INTEGER] maximum amount of items
[2] = {
Price = 10000,
MaxItems = 750
-- ...


Market options for selling items as a field owner.

RiP.FarmMarket = {
Location = vector3(375.85736083984,-335.66241455078,48.161373138428), -- [VECTOR] market location (x,y,z)

Blip = {
Name = "Großmarkt", -- [STRING] blip label
Type = 59, -- [INTEGER] blip type
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Color = 13, -- [INTEGER] blip color
Display = 4 -- [INTEGER] blip display type

Marker = {
Type = 22, -- [INTEGER] marker type
Size = {X = 1.0, Y = 1.0, Z = 0.9}, -- [DECIMAL] marker scaling
Color = {R = 117, G = 94, B = 170} -- [INTEGER] marker color (rgb)