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Some configuration options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


With this option you can set the default keybinds for different interactions. You find a list with all keybind names here

RiP.Keybinds = {
Menu = 'O', -- [STRING] keybind name to open admin panel
Aduty = 'F2', -- [STRING] keybind name to toggle aduty (with esp & godmode)
Noclip = 'F4' -- [STRING] keybind name to toggle noclip (leave empty to disable)


If this option is enabled, the admin must first enable the aduty mode to perform actions

RiP.Aduty = true                -- [BOOLEAN] require aduty mode to execute actions


Customize nametags and activate aduty nametags, for nearby aduty players

RiP.Nametags = {
Distance = 187, -- [INTEGER] visible nametag range
Color = 22, -- [INTEGER] nametag effect color (
Aduty = false -- [BOOLEAN] enable aduty nametags for normal players


Setting up some extra functions for godmode

RiP.Godmode = {
Vehicle = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable vehicle godmode if in vehicle (can impair performance)
Running = true -- [BOOLEAN] enable fast running with infinite stamina


With this option you can change the noclip controlls

1 = Mouse
2 = WASD
3 = Both


This option enable different sound effects. The warn sound will also come on the jumpscare trolling effect

RiP.Sounds = {
Teleport = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable sounds when teleporting (html/sounds/teleport.mp3)
Warn = true -- [BOOLEAN] enable sounds on warned screen (html/sounds/warn.mp3)


This options includes all admin groups with permissions and clothes

    ['admin'] = {                                   -- [STRING] group name
Permissions = { -- permissions
['all'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] all permissions
['teleport'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] teleport & dimensions
['revive_all'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] revive everyone
['bring_all'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] bring everyone to you
['kick_all'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] kick everyone from the server
['esp'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] show name tags
['ghost_mode'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] invisible player/car
['god_mode'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] invincible player/car
['blip_mode'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] display player blips on map
['noclip'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] noclip
['announce'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] server announces
['ped'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] player ped
['players'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] show online players
['player_actions'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] execute player actions (freeze, screenshot, skin, dm)
['player_revive'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] execute player-health actions (heal, armor, revive, kill)
['player_teleport'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] execute player-teleport actions (summon, teleport)
['player_spectate'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] spectate player
['player_warn'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] add player warn
['player_kick'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] kick player
['player_ban'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] ban player
['player_unban'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] unban player/show bans
['player_reset'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] reset player
['player_trolling'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] troll players (RiP.Trolling)
['inventory_view'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] view player inventory
['inventory_edit'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] edit player inventory
['player_data'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] show player data/licenses
['warns_view'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] view player warns
['warns_edit'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] edit player warns
['vehicle_spawn'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] spawn vehicle
['vehicle_edit'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] edit vehicle
['vehicle_delete'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] delete vehicle
['vehicle_deleteall'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] delete all vehicles
['vehicle_plate'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] change vehicle plate
['chat'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] read and write in admin chat
['report'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] report actions (RiP-Report required)
['fraktion'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] fraction actions (RiP-Fraktion required)
['weather'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] view/edit weather (RiP-Environment required)
['time'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] view/edit time (RiP-Environment required)
['bans'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] edit/revoke bans
['offline_ban'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] create offline bans ('bans' permission required)
['developer'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] developer actions (not in 'all' included)
['bypass_aduty'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] ignore aduty status (if RiP.Aduty = true)
Commands = { -- command permissions (regular permission required; no aduty required)
['freeze'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] (un-)freeze player
['dm'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] send player message
['bring'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] brint player
['tpplayer'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] teleport to player
['teamchat'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] send team-chat message
['warn'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] warn player
['kick'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] kick player
Clothes = {
Male = {
['mask_1'] = 135, ['mask_2'] = 12,
['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
['torso_1'] = 287, ['torso_2'] = 12,
['arms'] = 3,
['pants_1'] = 114, ['pants_2'] = 12,
['shoes_1'] = 78, ['shoes_2'] = 12,
Female = {
['mask_1'] = 135, ['mask_2'] = 12,
['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
['torso_1'] = 287, ['torso_2'] = 12,
['arms'] = 3,
['pants_1'] = 114, ['pants_2'] = 12,
['shoes_1'] = 78, ['shoes_2'] = 12,


Activate different aduty commands

RiP.Commands = {                                    -- [STRING/BOOLEAN] command name (set permissions on RiP.Admin.Commands; set to false to disable)
['freeze'] = 'freeze', -- [STRING] (un-)freeze player (player)
['dm'] = 'dm', -- [STRING] send player message (player, text)
['bring'] = 'bring', -- [STRING] brint player (player)
['tpplayer'] = 'tpp', -- [STRING] teleport to player (player)
['teamchat'] = 'tc', -- [STRING] send team-chat message (text)
['warn'] = 'warn', -- [STRING] warn player (player, reason)
['kick'] = false, -- [STRING] kick player disabled (player, reason)


Activate AdaptiveLoading for faster and responsive loading. This can cause issues with more then 200 active players

RiP.Players = {
AdaptiveLoading = true, -- [BOOLEAN] new way of loading/saving player list for less waiting time
IngameNames = true, -- [BOOLEAN] show ingame names instead of player (cfx) username
JobLabels = true, -- [BOOLEAN] display job labels instead of names
DisplayIP = false, -- [BOOLEAN] show player ip address


All database tables and identifier columns to delete on player reset

    ['users'] = 'identifier',                       -- [STRING] table-name = identifier-column


Enable different trolling actions

    RiP.Trolling = {                                -- toggle different trolling modes
['fire'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable player catching fire
['blackscreen'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable player blackscreen
['drunk'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable player drunk effect
['strip'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable player strip animation
['driving'] = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable player random driving
['attack'] = 'a_c_rottweiler', -- [BOOLEAN/STRING] enable ped attack (true or string for custom ped)
['ped'] = 'a_c_hen', -- [BOOLEAN/STRING] enable player ped change (true or string for custom ped)
['jumpscare'] = '' -- [BOOLEAN/STRING] enable player jumpscare (false or image to link)


Enable different business scripts for player management

RiP.Business = {                                    -- manage player businesses
['rip_cardealer'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Cardealer
['rip_carwashv2'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-CarwashV2
['rip_farming'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Farming
['rip_fuel'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Fuel
['rip_shops'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Shops
['rip_weaponshop'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Weaponshop
['rip_weed'] = false, -- [BOOLEAN] enable RiP-Weed


All server vehicle favorites with vehicle props

RiP.Vehicles = {
['blista'] = {
color1 = 76,
color2 = 79,
pearlescentColor = 131,
windowTint = 2,
wheelColor = 0,
modFrontWheels = 7,
modBackWheels = -1,
wheels = 0,
plateIndex = 2,
plate = "RIP 926"

Server Config


Webhook links for different admin actions.

RiPWebhook.Types = {
['Admin'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for admin actions (e.g. aduty)
['Server'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for overview actions (e.g. teleport)
['Player'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for player actions (e.g. inventory)
['Vehicle'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for vehicle actions (e.g. spawn)
['Ban'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for bans (e.g. ban player)
['Chat'] = '', -- [STRING] webhook for chat messages


Trigger names for different external actions.

RiPTrigger = {
Revive = 'RiP-Death:revivePlayer', -- [STRING] client trigger name for revive
Status = 'esx_status:set', -- [STRING] client trigger name for hunger & thirst
Skin = 'esx_skin:openSaveableMenu', -- [STRING] client trigger name for skinmenu