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Some configuration options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


[STRING] framework configuration for supported frameworks:

RiP.Framework = "mysql-async"


[STRING] SQL framework configuration for supported frameworks:

RiP.SQLFrameWork = "mysql-async"


[STRING] FiveManage API configuration This is used to upload images to the FiveManage API You can get your API key from This is optional, if you don't want to use your own api code, leave it empty

RiP.FivemanageAPICode = ""


[STRING] Screenshot configuration This is used to take screenshots of the player for the outfit preview You can change the color of the background of the screenshot

RiP.ScreenshotColor = "#FFF"


[1] = {                         -- [INTEGER] unique id
RetailPrice = 60000, -- [INTEGER] retail price (set to false to disable)

Locations = { -- [VECTOR] locations (x,y,z)
Main = vector3(122.99, -221.52, 54.56),
Boss = vector3(117.39, -234.12, 54.56)

Blip = { --
Name = 'RiP-Clothing', -- [STRING] blip name
Type = 73, -- [INTEGER] blip sprite
Scale = 0.8, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color

Ped = {
Coords = vector4(127.29, -224.28, 54.56, 53.83), -- [VECTOR] ped coords or false to disable (x,y,z,h)
Hash = `a_f_m_bevhills_01` -- [HASH] ped hash (or STRING with `)


Type = "glasses_1", -- [STRING] category (clothing) type
Label = "Glasses", -- [STRING] category label
Price = 100, -- [INTEGER] default category price
Overrides = { -- [TABLE] overrides single category items
["2"] = { -- [STRING] unique item id
Name = "ReyBen", -- [STRING] new label (optional)
Price = 1002, -- [INTEGER] new price (optional)

Job = "police", -- [STRING] this will only allow the job "police" to buy this item (optional)
["6"] = {
BlockItem = true, -- [BOOLEAN] this will block the item entirely from being bought (optional)