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RiP-Coins creates a whole new currency and with it a new economical system.
Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


Use this to enable the menu access via command.

RiP.Command = 'donator'                         -- [STRING] command to access donator menu (leave empty to disable)


This option allows you to access the menu from a specific location.

RiP.Location = {
Coords = vector3(813.81, -2982.46, 6.02), -- [VECTOR] location to access donator menu (set to false to disable)
Blip = {
Name = 'RiP-Coins', -- [STRING] blip name
Type = 617, -- [INTEGER] blip sprite
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color
Marker = { --
Type = 22, -- [INTEGER] marker type
Size = { X=1.0, Y=1.0, Z=0.9 }, -- [DECIMAL] marker scaling (x,y,z)
Color = { R=117, G=94, B=170 } -- [INTEGER] marker color (r,g,b)


With this option you can create new categories and the items in the category.

    ['category'] = {                            -- [STRING] unique category name
Name = "Category", -- [STRING] category label

Items = { -- [ARRAY] category items
Type = 'vehicle', -- [STRING] item type (all types are explained on the end)
Price = 2000, -- [INTEGER] item price (in rip-currency)




Type = 'vehicle',
Price = 2000,

Name = 'baller6', -- [STRING] unique vehicle spawn & image (png) name
Label = 'Gallivanter Baller', -- [STRING] vehicle label
Description = 'SUV' -- [STRING] vehicle description


Type = 'money', -- [STRING] type & image (png) name
Price = 1000,
Amount = 20000, -- [INTEGER] money amount

Name = '20k_green', -- [STRING] unique money name
Label = '20.000$', -- [STRING] money label
Description = 'Cash' -- [STRING] money description


Type = 'blackmoney', -- [STRING] type & image (png) name
Price = 2000,
Amount = 10000, -- [INTEGER] blackmoney amount

Name = '10k_black', -- [STRING] unique blackmoney name
Label = '10.000$', -- [STRING] blackmoney label
Description = 'Blackmoney' -- [STRING] blackmoney description


Type = 'item',
Price = 1500,
Amount = 50, -- [INTEGER] item amount

Name = 'fixkit', -- [STRING] unique item & image (png) name
Label = 'Repair-Kit', -- [STRING] item label
Description = '50x' -- [STRING] item description


Type = 'weapon',
Price = 2500,

Name = 'minismg', -- [STRING] unique weapon & image (png) name
Label = 'Mini SMG', -- [STRING] weapon label
Description = 'Submachine gun' -- [STRING] weapon description