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RiP-Fraktion provides many powerful configuration options. Grab some snacks, since we are about to run you through most of them.

Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


Purchase and manage RiP-Businesses as a fraction.

RiP.Business = false                    -- [BOOLEAN] enable business site for e.g. RiP-Shops or RiP-Fuel


The salary interval is set so that it starts after a random time, making it impossible to predict the first paycheck.

RiP.Salary = 1                          -- [INTEGER] time interval for paychecks in hours


All shop items, players can buy through their fraction shop, have to be added here.

['chips'] = {                           -- [STRING] item name
Type = 'item', -- [STRING] item type (item/weapon)
Label = "Chips", -- [STRING] item label
Price = 10 -- [STRING] default item price


All shop vehicles, players can buy through their fraction shop, have to be added here.

['t20'] = {                             -- [STRING] vehicle name
Label = "T20", -- [STIRNG] vehicle label
Price = 20000 -- [STRING] vehicle price


This are all fraction upgrades, a fraction can purchase. Please notice, that you can only change the values (Capacity, Price, etc.) and not the level type or number.

RiP.Upgrades = {                        -- [UPGRADES] only change the values
['storage'] = {
[1] = { -- [INTEGER] do not change the level numbers/amount (1 = unlock fraction-storage)
Capacity = 200, -- [INTEGER] additional storage weight
Price = 5000, -- [INTEGER] level price
[2] = {
Capacity = 300,
Price = 10000,
[3] = {
Capacity = 300,
Price = 15000,
['vehicles'] = {
[1] = { -- level 1 = unlock fraction-garage
Slots = 2, -- [INTEGER] additional vehicle slots
Price = 10000, -- [INTEGER] level price
[2] = {
Slots = 10,
Price = 10000,
[3] = { -- unlock vehicle locations
Slots = 20,
Price = 15000,
['shop'] = {
[1] = { -- level 1 = unlock fraction-shop (RiP.FractionShop)
Discount = 0, -- [INTEGER] shop discount in percent
Price = 5000, -- [INTEGER] level price
[2] = {
Discount = 10,
Price = 10000,
[3] = {
Discount = 20,
Price = 10000,
['wallet'] = {
[1] = { -- level 1 = unlock bonuses
Price = 5000 -- [INTEGER] level price
[2] = { -- level 2 = unlock statistics
Price = 10000
[3] = { -- level 3 = unlock sanctions
Price = 10000
['members'] = {
[1] = { -- level 1 = unlock clothing
MemberSlots = 2, -- [INTEGER] additional member slots (default amount in frak-creator)
GroupSlots = 0, -- [INTEGER] additional group slots (default amount in frak-creator)
Price = 5000, -- [INTEGER] level price
[2] = {
MemberSlots = 2,
GroupSlots = 2,
Price = 10000,
[3] = {
MemberSlots = 6,
GroupSlots = 2,
Price = 15000,
['announcements'] = {
[1] = { -- level 1 = unlock fraction announcements
Price = 10000
[2] = { -- level 2 = unlock message-of-the-day
Price = 5000
[3] = { -- level 3 = unlock locations (in announcements & chat)
Price = 5000


Embed settings for discord logs and webhook for Frak-Creator logs. (fractions are handled seperat)

RiP.Discord = {
Color = 10181046, -- [INTEGER] webhook color (
Icon = '', -- [STRING] image/logo url
Creator = '', -- [STRING] webhook for create/edit logs


In this function you can setup your own clothing script. In the example the Resrant clothing script is used. The function has a callback with either the new skin or false. To disable the entire clothing function set RiP.Clothing to false.


Do not change/remove the RiP.Clothing = function()! Only remove/replace the export inside the function and take over the given variable outfit and the callback function callback.

RiP.Clothing = function(outfit, callback)                                       -- [TRIGGER] for opening your clothing menu (+ callback with clothes)
payment = false,
outfits = false,
skin = outfit,
resetskin = true,
saveskin = false,
}, function(skin)
end, function()

This doesn't represent the entire config file. If you've lost or destroyed your config file you have to redownload it throug Keymaster