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Fuel Config

RiP-Fuel offers a fuel system with ergonomic fuel consumption as well as a business system. Here are the fuel options from config_fuel.lua explained.

To get the correct vehicle names please enable the RiP.Debug mode in the main config and try to refuel your vehicle. The vehicle name should be printed in the console (F8).


RiPFuel.DefaultFuel = 'petrol'                  -- [STRING] petrol/diesel/electricity


All vehicles that need petrol

RiPFuel.Petrol = {


All vehicles that need diesel

RiPFuel.Diesel = {


All vehicles that need electricity

RiPFuel.Electricity = {


All vehicles that need Kerosene

RiPFuel.Kerosene = {


All vehicles that don't lose fuel

RiPFuel.Blacklist = {

Additional options

In addition, you can modify the fuel usage for certain vehicle classes (RiPFuel.Classes) and the usage for a certain driving style (RiPFuel.FuelUsage).