Do you already have several public jobs on your server but not yet the possibility to bring them to your players? RiP-JobcenterV2 solves this problem for you in a modern and interactive way. Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.
RiP.Locations = {
vector3(-265.70755004883,-963.16723632813,31.223127365112), -- [VECTOR] location for entering the menu (x,y,z)
-- ...
RiP.Blip = {
Show = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable blips
Name = 'RiP-JobcenterV2', -- [STRING] blip label
Type = 525, -- [INTEGER] blip type
Scale = 0.9, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color
RiP.Marker = {
Type = 22, -- [INTEGER] marker type
Size = {X = 1.0, Y = 1.0, Z = 0.9}, -- [DECIMAL] marker scaling
Color = {R = 117, G = 94, B = 170} -- [INTEGER] marker color (rgb)
RiP.Commands = {
['createJob'] = { -- [STRING] command for creating new job (do not change)
Name = 'createjoboffer', -- [STRING] command name
Perms = 'admin' -- [STRING] command permissions
['deleteJob'] = { -- [STRING] command for deleting job (do not change)
Name = 'deletejoboffer',
Perms = 'admin'
['deleteReview'] = { -- [STRING] command for deleting review (do not change)
Name = 'deletejobreview',
Perms = 'admin'
RiP.Discord = {
Enable = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable discord logs
Webhook = '', -- [STRING] discord webhook for all logs
Color = 10181046 -- [INTEGER] webhook color