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With RiP-MoneywashV2, players get the opportunity to launder their money with fun through ergonomic fees and realistic options. Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


RiP.WashTime = 9                                 -- [INTEGER] laundering time in seconds


Add unlimited moneywash locations.

RiP.Locations = {
vector3(947.66,-1548.27,30.77), -- [VECTOR] location for entering the menu (x,y,z)


Values for the quick-action buttons.

RiP.Quick = {                                    -- [INTEGER] three amounts for quick select function
[1] = 10000,
[2] = 20000,
[3] = 30000


RiP.Police = {
CopJob = 'police', -- [STRING] police job name
RequiredCops = 0, -- [INTEGER] required amount of online cops to acces the moneywash (set to 0 to disable)
AlertChance = 0.5, -- [DECIMAL] chance of alerting police (1 = always - 0 = disabled)


With this options you can modify the moneywash fees algorythim.

RiP.Fees = {
Changes = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable adjusting fees; only use this when you understood the calculator
StartFee = 0.25, -- [DECIMAL] default value after server restart or script reload. will be the default value when changes is set to false (decimal-percentage)
Interval = 60, -- [INTEGER] the time interval, after which the fees are updated in minutes
Calculator = {
MaxFee = 0.4, -- [DECIMAL] maximum fees
MinFee = 0.1, -- [DECIMAL] minimum fees
MaxRate = 1.2, -- [DECIMAL] maximum changing rate per interval
MinRate = 0.8 -- [DECIMAL] minimum changing rate per interval


To enable discord logs for every amount washed, add your webhook and icon link.

RiP.Discord = {
Webhook = '', -- [STRING] webhook url (false to disable)
Icon = '', -- [STRING] embed icon (server logo)
Color = 10181046 -- [INTEGER] embed color (


You can find all marker types here

RiP.Marker = {
Type = 22, -- [INTEGER] marker type
Size = {X = 1.0, Y = 1.0, Z = 0.9}, -- [DECIMAL] marker scaling
Color = {R = 117, G = 94, B = 170} -- [INTEGER] marker color (rgb)


You can find all blip types and colors here

RiP.Blip = {
Enabled = true, -- [BOOLEAN] enable/disable blips
Name = 'RiP-MoneywashV2', -- [STRING] blip label
Type = 484, -- [INTEGER] blip type
Scale = 0.6, -- [DECIMAL] blip size
Display = 4, -- [INTEGER] blip display type
Color = 13 -- [INTEGER] blip color