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Some configuration options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


With this option you can add unlimited admin groups. Player with this group will be able to access the admin-jail.

RiP.Admins = {


This option allows you to change the admin-jail's locations.

RiP.Locations = {
Main = vector3(-1266.95, -3013.08, -48.49), -- [VECTOR] coords for adminjail inside (x,y,z)
Tasks = { -- [ARRAY] unlimited locations for jail tasks
vector3(-1243.64, -3023.12, -48.49), -- [VECTOR] coords for task (x,y,z)
vector3(-1284.93, -2984.9, -48.49),
vector3(-1280.9, -3048.87, -48.49),
vector3(-1295.85, -2990.69, -48.49),
vector3(-1249.86, -3046.51, -48.49)

Translations & Notify

You can change the translations and the notify trigger in the RiP-Prison config.