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Some configuration options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


With this option you can switch the menu design between a framed and a full-screen ui.
The integer 1 stands for the framed ui and 2 for full-screen.


This is the command name as a string to open the report menu as a player.
Set to false or empty to disable the command.


Here you can set which admin is notified when a new report is created.

0 = nobody
1 = every admin
2 = only aduty (if activated, otherwise 1)
3 = 2 and available admins (with no claimed reports)


In this option you can add unlimited report categories.

Name = 'rdm', -- [STRING] unique category name
Label = "RDM", -- [STRING] category label
Icon = 'fa-tombstone' -- [STRING] category icon (


This option allows you to activate discord logs.

RiP.Discord = {
ImageWebhook = '', -- [STRING] discord webhook for automatic screenshots
LogWebhook = '', -- [STRING] discord webhook for report actions
Icon = '', -- [STRING] server logo image
Color = 10181046 -- [INTEGER] embed color (