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With this walkthrough, no dead player will ever be bored again! With many customization options, RiP-Death is suitable for every server, whether soft or hardcore roleplay. Some options are explained here. However this does not represent the original config file.


Activates debug mode for prints and commands.

It is recommended to only activate this option on first installation and for testing purposes.


Keybind control index for interactions (e.g. stabilizing).


Enable background blur on death-screen


Enable Dinorun minigame on death-screen


Enable automatic Saltychat mute. We're using the official exports SetPlayerAlive and SetPlayerVoiceRange for that.


With this option you can modify all knock-out times, health values and more.

RiP.Knockout = {
MinHealth = 125, -- [INTEGER] health after knock-out starts (set to false to disable)
NewHealth = 150, -- [INTEGER] health after regeneration (100 = 0%, 200 = 100%)
Regenerate = 60, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds to regenerate health
OnlyUnarmed = true, -- [BOOLEAN] only send knockout if punched
DisableDead = true, -- [BOOLEAN] player can't die while knock-out


With this option you can modify all death times and more.

RiP.Death = {
EnableRespawn = 60, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds after player can respawn by himself
ForceRespawn = 60, -- [INTEGER] time after EnableRespawn expired
RespawnLocation = vector4(298.6, -584.49, 43.26, 79.69), -- [VECTOR] coords after respawn (x,y,z,h)
ConnectRespawn = true -- [BOOLEAN] force respawn after reconnecting while dead


With different options you can modify what things should be removed from a player on respawn.

RiP.Respawn = {
RemoveMoney = {'money','black_money'}, -- [BOOLEAN/STRING/ARRAY] remove money by type (false/'money'/{'money','black_money'})
RemoveItems = true, -- [BOOLEAN] remove items
RemoveWeapons = true, -- [BOOLEAN] remove weapons

ItemBlacklist = {'phone'}, -- [ARRAY] list of items which won't be removed (if RemoveItems = true)
WeaponBlacklist = {'weapon_knife'}, -- [ARRAY] list of weapons which won't be removed (if RemoveWeapons = true)


With this option you can modify stabilize times, animations, requirements and more.

RiP.Stabilize = {
Mode = 1, -- [INTEGER] stabilize mode (0=disabled,1=enabled,2=only-export)
License = 'stabilize', -- [STRING] name of the database user_license to stabilize (false for no requirements)
AnimTime = 9, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds to stabalize player
ExtraTime = 120, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds which gets added to the stabilized player

AnimationLib = 'anim@heists@narcotics@funding@gang_idle', -- [STRING] libary of the animation to stabalize
AnimationName = 'gang_chatting_idle01' -- [STRING] animation to stabalize


Enable inability to fight after death/knock-out. Set to 0 to disable

RiP.Timeout = {                     -- disable weapons/fighting
Knockout = 30, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds after knockout
Death = 60, -- [INTEGER] time in seconds after death


Add your own dispatch trigger

RiP.Dispatch = {
Cooldown = 90, -- [INTEGER] time after player can send a dispatch again
Trigger = function(source, coords) -- [FUNCTION] trigger/export for personal dispatch trigger (client side)
print("[DEBUG] server dispatch triggered for id "..source.." at coords:", coords)
-- TriggerServerEvent('roadphone:sendDispatch', source, 'Bewusstlose Person', 'police', coords, false) -- example with RoadPhone


With this option you can activate the progress bar of RiP-Notify.